Personal Interview Questions – E3

June 15, 2022 0 Comments
  1. Why are you leaving your present job? (or, Why did you leave your last job?)
  2. What would you say are areas needing improvement?
  3. What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? Why?
  4. In your work experience, what have you done that you consider truly creative?
  5. How do you keep up with what’s going on in your company / your industry/ your profession?
  6. In your position, how would you define doing a good job? On what basis was your definition determined?
  7. When judging the performance of your subordinate, what factors or characteristics are most important to you?
  8. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
  9. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
  10. What qualities do you look for in a boss?