Jakeer Hussain Pattan
About Me
Over 29years of experience in Civil and Structural Engineering,19years of experience in Engineering Design and Detailing of Oil & Gas industry projects. 9 years of experience as Lead Civil and Structural Engineer.
Worked for ADNOC, Kuwait Oil Company, Qatar Petroleum, RasGas, Saudi Aramco, BP Iraq, ExxonMobil Iraq projects.
Extensive experience in Conceptual, FEED, EPC Detailed Design, PMC for Oil & Gas industry greenfield and brownfield onshore /offshore projects.
Conversant with AISC, ASCE, ACI, BS EN, BS, Indian codes and Standards.
Knowledge of PIP, KOC, RasGas, Qatar Petroleum, ADNOC, Saudi Armco, Shell, Total standards and specifications.
Extensive experience in analysis, detailed design and engineering of pipe racks, technological structures, structural steel pipe supports, Workshop & Warehouse buildings, modular buildings, platforms.
Extensive experience in analysis, detailed design and engineering of Control room building, Substation building, Administrative building, Horizontal and Vertical vessel foundations, deep sump/pit, pump foundation, machine foundation, static and dynamic equipment foundations, pipe rack foundations, storage tank ring beam foundations, pile foundation, pipe sleepers.
Adequacy checks of Structural steel pipe racks and foundations.
Experience in roads/paving, surface/underground drainage design works.
Experience in Seismic, Wind and Blast load analysis and design.
Extensive experience in preparing and checking of Onshore Civil/Structural design basis, technical specifications, standard drawings.
Experience in reviewing scope of works and reports for Topography and Geotechnical survey/Investigation, structural steel & civil works M.T.Os.
Experience in checking of Architectural, Civil and Structural Steel G.A and detailed drawings, foundation layouts, road/paving layouts, drainage layouts.
Experience in reviewing fabrication drawings, Vendor drawings, IDC documents /drawings and other discipline drawings for Civil/Structural inputs.
Experience in reviewing / approval of material requisitions, method statements, construction plans, inspection test plans for all Civil & Structural works.
Experience in responding to technical queries and RFI for structural steel and civil works and engineering support during fabrication, installation and construction stages in compliance with company specifications/drawings.
Experience in in-place analysis and design of offshore fixed platform topside.
Experience in Offshore/Onshore welded and bolted connection design.
Extensive experience in design review ,3D model review, constructability review, meetings with contractor / company. And site visits for clarifications.
Leading team of Engineers and Designers, provide technical guidance to team, adherence to schedule, cost, ensuring project compliance with safety and quality requirements of the company. Inter-discipline design coordination.
Experience in preparing engineering man-hours (CTR’s) for projects.
Feb 2024 to till date: Quest Global, India
Designation: Technical Manager, Role: Lead Civil and Structural Engineer
January 2022 to Jan 2024– Freelancer, Bangalore, Hyderabad
Role- Civil and Structural Consultant Engineer
Project: Oil and Gas Industry Offshore/Onshore brownfield projects
Job Responsibilities:
• Checking of structural steel pipe racks and relevant foundations design documents and drawings. Checking topside structural steel platform drawings.
• Checking of storage tank ring beam foundation design documents and drawings.
• Checking of Horizontal & Vertical vessel foundations, pump foundation, retaining wall design documents, G.A and detailed drawings.
• Participate in 3D Model internal reviews and STAAD pro files review whenever required. Reviewing Civil and Structural specifications.
July 2021 to November 2021-Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Ltd-Hyderabad
Role- Lead Civil and Structural Engineer
Project: PROPYLENE RECOVERY UNIT at Gujarat Refinery in Vadodara. -EPC project
Job Responsibilities:
• Preparing design basis, specifications, review of vendor documents and drawings.
• Reviewing design of structural steel pipe racks, technological structures, R.C.C Substation and R.C.C Control buildings.
• Reviewing design of piles and pile caps for vertical, horizontal vessel, pipe racks, R.C.C substation and Control building foundations. Regularly checking 3D model through NAVIS WORKS for clash free structures.
• Leading a team of Engineers, provide technical guidance to team, ensuring deliverables with high quality as per client standards. Coordination with client and Inter discipline team.
May 2019 to June 2021–Freelancer, Hyderabad
Role- Civil and Structural Consultant Engineer
Projects: Oil and Gas Industry Offshore/Onshore brownfield projects
Job Responsibilities:
• Checking of structural steel pipe racks and relevant foundations design documents and drawings. Reviewing topside structural steel platform drawings.
• Checking of storage tank ring beam foundation design documents and drawings.
• Checking of Horizontal & Vertical vessel foundations, pump foundation, retaining wall design documents, G.A and detailed drawings.
• Participate in 3D model internal reviews and STAAD pro files review whenever required. Reviewing Civil and Structural specifications.
October 2016 to March 2019 – Wood.PLC, Dubai-UAE
Role- PMC-Lead Civil and Structural Engineer
Client: ExxonMobil Iraq Limited-Dubai
Project: West qurna 1-field (Degassing stations DS6, DS7&DS8)-Iraq: Major Tie-ins Oil & Gas Brownfield project
Job Responsibilities:
• Reviewing/approval of civil and structural design basis and project specifications.
• Reviewing/approval of structural steel pipe rack modules, platforms, pipe supports designs, relevant foundation design documents and drawings.
• Reviewing/approval of pump foundations, static equipment foundations, pipe sleepers, transformer foundations design documents and drawings.
• Reviewing/approval of deep sump/pits with equipment foundation design documents and drawings.
• Reviewing/approval of modular buildings, shelters and relevant foundation design documents and drawings
• Reviewing/approval of foundation layout, road/paving layout, drainage layout, bund wall drawings and structural steel fabrication, erection drawings and civil construction drawings.
• Reviewing scope of works and reports of topography/geotechnical surveys
• Participate in 3D model, design review, constructability review meetings, and weekly /monthly progress meetings.
• Reviewing / approval of material requisitions, method statements, inspection test plans for all civil & structural works. Responding to technical queries and RFI for structural steel works during fabrication, assembly and installation stages. Reviewing structural steel & civil works MTOs.
August 2014 to June 2016–Wood group PSN, Abu Dhabi-UAE
Role- Lead Civil and Structural Engineer
Client: BP – Iraq NV (Rumaila Operating Organization)
Project: ROO-Degassing stations -Oil and Gas Brownfield project
Client: Bahrain National Gas Company(Banagas)-Bahrain
Project: Sitra Storage and pipelines Expansion(FEED)-Oil & Gas Brownfield project
Job Responsibilities:
• Reviewing scope of works, and understanding the scope of requirements, preparing engineering CTRs, attending technical and weekly progress meetings.
• Preparing civil/structural design basis, specifications, standard, G.A, and detailed drawings.
• Reviewing foundation design calculations for Horizontal &vertical vessels, pumps, pipe supports, storage tanks, structural steel pipe racks, and access / maintenance platforms.
• Reviewing evaporation pond, pipe sleepers, concrete valve chambers design drawings.
• Execution of Civil and Structural works under Operation and maintenance.
• Coordinating with clients, inter discipline, and site visits for clarifications.
May 2013 to July 2014– Jacobs International Holding Inc., Abu Dhabi-UAE
Role-PMC Senior Civil and Structural Engineer.
Client: Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER)
Project: New Abu Dhabi International Airport (ADIA)Aviation Fuel Depot. -EPC (Greenfield project).
Job Responsibilities:
• Participated in EPC contract award technical bid evaluation.
• Reviewing civil/structural design basis, specifications and standard drawings.
• Reviewing /approval of Architectural, Civil, Structural G.A and detailed drawings for control room, substation, security, workshop, pump house buildings, loading & unloading bay shelters, equipment shelters, heavy & light vehicle parking.
• Reviewing/approval of foundation design calculations for fuel tanks, pumps, vertical & horizontal vessels, compressor, buildings, pipe rack, pipe support, miscellaneous structures, skids, shelter, and dyke wall. And R.C.C design calculations for control, substations, and diesel generator building.
• Reviewing/approval of structural steel design for pipe racks, workshop, pump house, shelters, pipe supports, and access/maintenance platforms.
• Reviewing/approval of design of deep sumps, oil water separator.
• Reviewing/approval for roads, culverts, surface drainage & underground works.
• Reviewing/ approval of scope of works & reports for topography, Geotechnical and Geophysical surveys.
• Reviewing / approval of method statements, inspection test plans, construction plans, QA/QC procedure, HSE plans for all civil & structural works.
• Reviewing / approval for subcontractors, material approval request in compliance with company procedures/specifications. Preparing response to technical queries.
• Participate in design,3D model reviews, weekly, monthly progress meetings with contractor and company. Follow up for schedule.
September 2010 to March 2013-: AVINEON INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Hyderabad, India
Role -Lead Civil and Structural Engineer
Project: Booster Station 171 at West Kuwait-EPC project.
Client: ADCO, Abu Dhabi, UAE Project: ASAB FFD–EPC project.
Job Responsibilities:
• Design of structural steel pipe racks, equipment supporting structures, equipment shelters, maintenance platforms and pipe supports.
• Design of foundations for vertical, horizontal vessels, flare, incinerator package, machine packages, pumps, tanks, pipe racks, R.C.C substation and equipment shelter buildings.
• Review of specifications, vendor engineering documents (Designs, calculation reports, drawings). Design of underground works and open drainage system.
• Leading a team of Engineers, provide technical guidance to team, ensuring deliverables with high quality as per client standards. Coordination with client and Inter discipline team.
• Preparing schedule for activities, monitoring the progress and attending project review meetings.
• Ensure incorporation of IDC comments given by other disciplines and completeness of comments given to other disciplines. Regular checking of the 3D model through NAVIS WORKS for clash free structures. Engineering support for construction, fabrication and Installation team whenever required.
• Resource planning, effective utilization of manpower. Assist business development and proposals team whenever required.
May 2010 to June 2010-RasGas, Qatar as seconded -Senior Civil & Structural Engineer
Projects: Greenfield & Brownfield (onshore and offshore projects)
Job Responsibilities:
• Reviewing engineering and construction documents (Designs, drawings, project execution plans, MDR, approving materials as per company specifications and standards) for onshore and offshore plants.
June 2009 to May 2010- EPPM (Engineering Procurement and Project Management), Tunisia.
Role: Senior Civil and Structural Engineer
Client: SAUDI Technology Base Establishment for Trading, Saudi Arabia.
Project: Spent Lube oil re-refining plant in Saudi Arabia-EPC project.
Client: ENI, Tunisia.
Project: Onshore Gas processing facility at MAAMOURA in Tunisia.
Client: Petrofac Energy Development International Limited, Tunisia.
Project: Tie-in and Wellhead Development works of Chergui No: 3 at Chergui on Kerkennah Island.
Job Responsibilities:
• Preparing design basis, specifications, design calculations and scope of works.
• Design of steel structures for Workshop, Warehouse building, steel pipe racks, and Shelters for equipments.
• Design of foundations for horizontal & vertical Vessels equipments, pipe rack, oil storage tank ring beam foundation, dyke wall, and checking architectural, civil and structural G.A and detailed drawings.
December 2008 to Jan 2009- Litwin, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E
Role: Structural Engineer
Offshore Project: SCADA/RTU replacement at Umm Shiff & Zakum Fields of ADMA.
Onshore Project: Hydrocarbons Distribution facility at Horizon Tangier port in Morocco.
Job Responsibilities: Design of Steel pipe rack, access platform, pump foundation and pipe support foundations. Checking foundation layouts, G.A and detailed drawings
May 2008 to November 2008- TECHNIP, Indonesia
Role: Structural Engineer
Onshore Project: Medco E&P Block-A Gas Development -Alur Siwah Central Processing Plant -FEED -worked as Lead Civil Engineer
Job Responsibilities:
• Analysis and design of topside of fixed platform -Model preparation, Simulation of Environmental loads, performing in-place analysis and checking drawings.
• Reviewing /approval of offshore central processing platform “As-built “drawings.
• Preparing project civil/structural design basis and specifications.
• Design of steel structures for workshop building and pipe racks.
• Design of equipment foundation, pipe sleepers, and pipe racks foundation.
• Preparing design calculations for building, checking G.A and detailed drawings.
• Allot man power for project, guiding engineers and designers. Attending meetings with client and coordination with other disciplines.
November 2006 to April 2008- CONSOLIDATED GULF COMPANY, Qatar
Role: Senior Civil and Structural Engineer
Client: Qatar Petroleum, Qatar
Projects: Revamping works at Halul Island, Dukhan, Mesaieed Industrial city, and Offshore Platforms PS-2, PS-3 and PS-4.
Job Responsibilities:
• Analysis, design and preparing calculation reports for structural steel structures equipment supports, access platforms, pipe racks, pipe supports, and equipment, pipe rack & pipe support foundations.
• Execution of Civil and Structural works under Operation and maintenance.
• Checking Architectural, Civil and Structural Steel G.A & detailed drawings.
• Checking/approving “As-Built” drawings for Offshore Production Platforms PS-2, PS-3, PS-4 and associated Wellhead, Living Quarters, Compressor, Utility, Riser & Treatment, Flare Tower platforms and Bridges.
• Checking/approving “As-Built” drawings for HALUL ISLAND Offshore facilities: Power generation plant, fuel gas plant, control building, substations, industrial, residential, recreational buildings, pipe racks, turbine foundations, compressor foundations, static equipment foundations, cable trenches and pipe sleepers.
August 2007 to October 2007. (Short term contract)-TECHNIP, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Role: Senior Civil Engineer
Client: RasGas, Qatar
Job Responsibilities:
• Design of equipment foundation, pipe sleepers, and pipe racks foundation.
• Preparing MTO for R.C.C and structural steel structures, checking of structural steel fabrication drawings and responding to RFI.
January 2004 to October 2006- Phoeniq International Company, Kuwait.
Role: Civil and Structural Engineer
Projects: Revamping works and Engineering Support for GC-15, GC-23, GC-25 and Booster station-131.
Job Responsibilities:
• Analysis and design, preparing calculation reports and detailed engineering for structural steel operating platforms, workshop building, steel pipe supports, and pipe support foundations, pipe sleepers, static equipment foundation, lighting pole, building foundations, checking of design drawings, and co-ordination with other discipline.
• Execution of Civil and Structural works under Operation and maintenance.
• Site visits for clarifications, coordinating with field engineers and clients.
• Estimating engineering man- hours(CTR), preparing deliverables.
August 2000 to August 2003- G.K Engineers and Contractors, Andhra Pradesh, India
Role: Structural Design Engineer
Job Responsibilities: Structural design, detailed engineering for Hospital buildings and monitoring the construction works.
December 1998 to July 2000- District Primary Education programme, A.P, India
Role: Site Engineer
Job Responsibilities: Monitoring the construction of Government primary school buildings, recording the measurements in measurement books for payment.
November 1993 to November 1998- R&B, and Minor Irrigation departments, A.P, India.
Role: Technical assistant
Job Responsibilities: Preparing estimations for new and restoration of irrigation tanks (earthen tank bund), canals, check dams, office buildings. Monitoring the construction of Office buildings, tank bunds, check dams, canals, flexible road works and assisting in preparing bills for payments.
• Analysis Software : STAAD Pro Connect, Mat 3D, Foundation 3D,
• Drafting Software : Auto CAD
• Application Package : MS Office
• 3D Review : PDMS, PDS, Navisworks, TEKLA
• Excellent communication, Interpersonal, Strong leadership and Analytical skills
• Effectively communicate technical issues to peers and line manager
• Adopting a flexible and open approach towards the needs of projects
• Excellent problem solving, Teamwork, and planning